Hire Procurement Solutions for These 3 Areas of Your Business
Procurement solutions are essentially contingent labor management processes utilized by many businesses to save time and money. Instead of handling everything in-house many businesses elect to outsource specific functions to companies that specialize in such areas. This cuts back on the need to hire more people or designate current employees with new tasks they might…
Egg and Butter Cartoon Challenges New Ordinance on Business Signs
Local sign companies were probably not happy in July when the Knoxville City Council approved a new ordinance outlawing business signs on the top of buildings, with an exception for artwork, according to the local ABC affiliate WATE.com. Presumably, the regulation was meant to prevent big chains from mounting massive, flashy eyesores in an attempt…
Is Your Workplace Clutter Hurting Your Bottom Line?
It is quite common to have a cluttered desk, at school or at work, but what most people do not know is that clutter can severely impact workplace productivity, to the tune of over $150 billion in lost billable hours yearly. Most Americans do admit that being disorganized is a strongly negative quality to have…
3 Basic Principles Of UX Design That Will Help You Do More Business
If you’ve ever been at the center of a “Mac vs. PC” debate, you know that the crux of the argument for most people is which one is easier to use. For the computer literate, there are of course a lot of other creative design aspects of both systems that make them different from each…
A Hidden Industry — Parking Lot Vacuum Services
Trash is an incredibly unsightly blot on the landscape. From plastic bags floating in the air to pieces of newspaper and wrappers gathered in the corners of our streets, it’s almost impossible to escape from. This is when the wonderful invention called the street sweeper comes in handy. Sucking up debris in parking lots and…
The Importance of Fall Prevention Training
Due to their relative high frequency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set up set protocols companies to prevent falls in the workplace. Fall protection gear and the proper equipment must be provided. They have also instituted the recommendation that companies follow these three steps in fall prevention: plan, provide and train. No…
What Your Property Manger is not Telling You About Your Fire Alarm System
With the new school year looming, many college students will be moving into their first apartments. While it is a very exciting time, finding the right apartment building can also be an occasion for stress and confusion when comparing different amenities and services. Many who are new to renting focus solely on the mainstays of…
What You Need to Know About Getting Started With Medical Answering Services
If you’re setting up any kind of health or mental health practice, then one of the logistical issues you’ll need to consider is your phone arrangements — after all, you probably can’t afford to have an employee sitting in the office 24 hours a day, and yet it’s unlikely your patients will only experience problems…