Category: Laser printer labels

  • Reuse Your Old Office Supplies With These Crafts

    Reuse Your Old Office Supplies With These Crafts

    When you’re sitting at home looking at your cluttered desk, does it distract you? If you’re like most people, I’m sure that it adds to your overall stress level not to have things neat and clean. So here are some ways you can take that clutter and use it to get organized! Reuse your old:…

  • What’s The #1 Way To Save Money ON Back To School Shopping?

    What’s The #1 Way To Save Money ON Back To School Shopping?

    In the back-to-school shopping days of ancient times, i.e., the 90s, parents would drag their sun-dazed kids kicking and screaming away from the backyard and into the dreaded office supply stores. There, offspring in tow, bargain seekers would roam the aisles in search of the most fertile 3 ring binders bulk bin hunting grounds. But…