If your employees need to use multiple keys around the property, then chances are you’d benefit from combination lock boxes, also known as key boxes. These are small, metal, security cabinets that can be used to organize and store dozens of keys so that each employee doesn’t need to have his or her own set, or they can be used to keep customers’ keys safe.
Key boxes are great for a wide array of different business. Car dealerships, realty companies, apartment complexes, auto mechanics, and commercial office buildings would all benefit tremendously from using a key box. Any business that has control of customers’ or clients’ keys needs a way to keep them safe and organized, after all.
Most key boxes are fixed permanently in one secure location on the premises, but there are also portable key boxes. These are good for maintenance people and janitorial staff who have to access multiple secure locations at any given time. However, an unscrupulous person can steal these boxes, making them far less secure than their fixed counterparts.
That being said, fixed key boxes need to be kept in a secure location, otherwise they’re not as effective. The safest place for one would be inside an office that’s regularly locked and attended, as there should always be someone close by to keep an eye out. Leaving an unattended lock box outdoors will allow anyone and everyone the chance to break into it and steal your company’s and your customers’ keys.
These devices are an excellent way to control who has access to the keys, to protect them when no one is around, and to keep all of the various keys organized. The most important thing is to have a fixed box installed inside an already secure location that’s attended to, otherwise its purpose is nullified.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.