When it comes to how consumers connect with businesses, the world is quickly changing thanks to emerging technologies that are re-defining which methods will and will not lead to long term success. This is especially true for local businesses. In the next few years, optimizing your company for the internet could potentially be the difference between making it, or closing up shop.
Gearing up your site for search engines is especially important considering that a full 20% of Google’s millions of search inquiries that take place every day are for local businesses. Internet Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, doesn’t have to be doom and gloom for your company. In fact, done right, it can be a source of significant revenue. Still interested? Here are our three tips for optimizing your website for search engines.
1. Work with a Web Marketing SEO Expert
Many people initially balk at the idea of paying search engine optimizers to help them. The reality is, though, that they understand the market best, and your time is better suited building your business itself. If you would leave your car with the auto mechanic, leave your website with the SEO professionals.
What many business owners don’t understand is that the world of internet search engine optimization has changed in the last 10 years. Gone are the days when simple link baiting and keyword stuffing were sufficient tactics to get a high ranking result. Your company’s Google rankings are also something you don’t want to amateurishly mess around with; 75% of people searching will never look past the first page of search results.
2. What Search Engine Marketing Professionals Won’t Tell You
That said, there are a few changes you can easily implement by yourself. Have a blog yet? If not, start one, and update several times a week with information consumers will actually find valuable (in other words, avoid the blatant sales pitch). Companies that blog have an incredible 97% more inbound links- an essential for successful internet search engine optimization.
Another thing SEO experts might not tell you is that simply re-labeling your products can give you a boost. Google search algorithms hate repetition, and this can affect your site if you have copy pasted product descriptions from your suppliers. Get creative with your language, and see a boost in clicks.
3. The Importance of Digital Integration
In this day and age, consumers expect more than just the bare minimum. Having social media websites to accompany your site, and having a mobile optimized website, shouldn’t be a subject of debate. Not only are they preferred by searchers, but they can help with SEO as well. Sadly, 93% of small business websites are not mobile compatible. This can be your competitive opening, though. Get your site optimized now and you’ll be ahead of most other businesses. Considering that 88% of consumers will go to a local business type within 24 hours of searching for it on their mobile device, this approach is only likely to benefit you.
Are you interested in connecting with local search engine optimization services? Let us know in the comments! Continue your research here.