A business card reader, a digital filing system, a laptop scanner and other related items should be a part of your office high tech tool kit. When you are able to make use of business card scanners, laptop scanners or other portable scanners, you will be amazed at how quickly you are able to speed up operations and get through the administrative tasks your company has to take care of every day. There are about one out of every four enterprise paper documents that will end up getting , never to be found again, according to Datapro Gartner Group.
That is quite a number of lost paper items to think about. Consider this as well: There are usually between 10,000 and 12,000 pieces of paper in a standard sized four drawer cabinet. It would be a serious problem if that many paper documents went missing from your office during a move, but a business card scanner can help.
The CRN says small business spending on cloud computing should rise to $100 billion by 2014. Business card scanners allow you to make use of cloud computing and share data on paper cards across the entire digital network your company hosts. A recent survey of 500 IT experts by SandHill determined that around 50 percent of respondents cited business agility as a primary reason for adopting cloud computing applications. Speak to the IT experts at your organization and find out whether or not a change to cloud computing will benefit you.