Social media has become so popular that the majority of Americans have some type of social media account that they frequent regularly. When started out as being a platform for young adults to rate one another on, has expanded into the most popular way to keep in touch with family and friends. Social media has really changed the way that we communicate and the way that we do business. We will notice more and more business accounts on social media sites as these businesses find the benefits of having a social media account. They will notice the many advantages that opening up this form of communication offers to their business. Social media branding is a great way to move your company into this type of business world.
Digital marketing is the future of marketing for all businesses. People are relying on reviews, websites and social media posts to make their decisions about which businesses to frequent. However, simply having an online social media account is not enough. Customers are not likely to engage with the website or even allow its online marketing posts into their feed if the page is not up to date and does not provide them with any benefits.
50% of companies are using digital marketing today, but they do not have a plan. This is proven in the fact that 83% of consumers reported that they have had a bad experience with social media marketing. It is important to not bombard customers with repeated information and marketing materials on social media. Many potential customers are okay with a few related posts showing up in their social media accounts, but do not want to feel pressured or overwhelmed by the amount of communication that they are receiving. A social media marketing agency NYC may be a good resource for those companies who are not familiar with social media accounts. 87% of buyers say that online content has a major or moderate impact on vendor preference and selection, but 43% say blatantly self promotional content is a major turn off. Balance is the key to having a good social media following.
Sometimes businesses will find negative comments and reviews on their social media accounts. Customers who are frustrated with the service that they received or the product they purchased will use it as a way to let out their anger and inform other customers of the poor service. It is crucial that you handle these customers appropriately. You should carefully respond to each and every customer in public, allowing everyone to see. You can request them to send you personal information, so that you can handle the situation privately. However, you should never admit guilt and you should never be aggressive or rude to the customer. Other customers will decide if they choose to utilize your business based on these comments from other customers. If the majority of your customers are happy, they will be more likely to try out your business. If they are mostly unhappy or the unhappy ones are not handled successfully, they will look elsewhere.
Social media is the new way of communication for the majority of customers today. If a business wants to keep up with times and remain successful in our changing times, they must have the ability to transform their business to include a social media platform and a great web design presence. A company with a good online and social media presence will find an increase in customers and in customer satisfaction, thus increasing the sales and the success of their business.