The Perks of a Hard Labor Job

Lifting products

Do you want to drive a truck? Or to operate large machinery? Or to put things together with your own two hands? When you work as a construction worker, its DIY all day long. Imagine how much cooler you could be with crane training under your belt? Or with rigging supplies strapped to your big, handsome truck? If this all sounds good, a job in construction and material handling may be right for you.
Every day is a new adventure on a construction site. Sure, a cubicle is safe. But a construction site gives you the opportunity to really push your body. That means you get to work out and work for a living at the same time. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t pay close attention to safety training and use all safe gear such as round slings and lifting gear. You should, in fact, pay very close attention to safety precautions. According to OSHA, around 1,000 workers suffer from job-related in injuries each year. Remember that being a construction site is sexy, but being injured is not. Risks are hard to assess and are very case-by-case so proceed with caution and learn to love the danger.
The Uniform.
Leave the suit and tie at home. Construction calls for the best and most manly uniform. Hard hats and steel toe boots are a requirement. Round slings for lifting are optional. A tool belt is lovely addition. The women won’t know what to do with themselves when you are wearing the uniform of manhood- aka a construction workers get-up. Not to mention, all this gear is meant to keep you safe.
Keep Learning.
Construction techniques are changing all the time. You’ll get a chance to learn crane service and all the fun safety trainings that come along with it. A common stereotype of the construction field is that workers aren’t particularly smart. However, construction is moving faster than ever and is demanding a lot of brain power from people on the ground.

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