Currently, 23 states allow patients who have obtained clearance from a licensed physician to purchase medical cannabis for their own consumption. Four states have fully legalized the use of the plant for medical applications, and, as legalization proponents predicted, the legal sale of cannabis is having a major impact.
In one state, the sale of cannabis created over 7,500 jobs in the last year. Retail locations sell cannabis to people with medical verification — post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain, cancer, and seizure disorders are common conditions among users of medical marijuana. In the next five years, experts predict that the legal cannabis market will top $10 billion.
Some states tax the producers of medical cannabis at 25%: state and local governments in one state have benefited from the legalization of cannabis to the tune of $18 million in the first six months of this year alone. Cannabis consultants offer their services to companies that want to become legally certified to sell medical cannabis, offering tips on running a successful business to interested parties.
If medical cannabis were legal across the United States, the market would generate over $3 billion every year. Proponents say that this is inevitable, citing health studies about the benefits of medical cannabis, as well as potential tax gains for state and local governments. About three out of four doctors approve of medical cannabis, experts say, and about half of American citizens approve of its use as well.
Cannabis business development experts are working to continue to ensure that facilities distributing medical cannabis are licensed and working within state and local guidelines. Cannabis consultants may have been active in local efforts to legalize the sale and distribution of cannabis and may be able to offer entrepreneurs information about obtaining a cannabis business license.
Entrepreneurs who are interested in developing a cannabis cultivation business plan are advised to be aware of state and local rules, as the legality of cannabis growth and sales still differ widely from state to state. Years of activism on behalf of legalizing cannabis intake have been successful in several states, and as the income from taxes grows, perhaps more states will legalize cannabis as well.