The Best Office Answering Serviceandnbsp;
Having your own business can be stressful enough without having additional worries to deal with, such as getting your phone answered properly. Consumers are our worst critics, because 32.3% of people who call into a business or a company do not believe they should be waiting on hold. That is a rough crowd of consumers to handle. A recent study also polled over 2,500 people about hold times and how long is too long on the phone. Almost 60% of these people thought waiting for more than 60 seconds was too long. The answer for this problem andndash; hiring an office answering service.
What Can An Office Answering Service Do For Your Business?
Let’s review how an answering service might be the answer for your business needs.
- How often to do you have clients or customers calling your business for directions? Answering services can do this task for you by giving your callers directions. This is great for anyone that doesn’t want to be bothered with a simple task such as directions.
- Are you a business that could realistically pass along tasks such as scheduling or getting important information handled by an after hours call answering service? Most likely, your answer is going to be yes. Scheduling and recording important information can be handled by a trained professional.
- What about your high call volume? Do you have a secretary that is often overwhelmed with multiple calls? Good phone etiquette is very important. An answer service knows this is one of the top priorities.
- Has your business missed a phone call before? A 24 hour live answering service can be just what you need to get all of these missed calls answered professionally.
As any business owner or company owner can see there are major benefits to having an office answering service handle important phone calls.
Who Can Benefit From An After Hours Phone Service
Any business or company that wants to keep the clients and customers headed in their direction is going to give a phone answering service a try. Medical offices, legal services, and business’s that have after hours emergency services for clients are going to find a great deal of value in 24 hour answering services. andnbsp;Even hard to handle customers can be winned over by having access to your company 24 hours a day.
After hours answering services are becoming the next new wave of the future in providing excellent customer services. Business’s are realizing that being able to have clients contact them 24 hours a day is not only adding reliability to their company’s reputation, but it’s great for maintaining existing clients. andnbsp;