Are you looking for business space for rent? Or perhaps you need a small retail space for rent? If this is the first time you’re in the market for a retail or commercial business space, there are several important details to consider.
You are probably aware that a business’ location can make a major impact on whether or not it succeeds. Have you already evaluated the area to determine if it’s in keeping with your business’ demographics? Are there competitors located in the vicinity? These and other related questions are important to answer prior to choosing your business location.
You also want to make sure that you add the following items to your checklist:
- Set up an effective record-keeping system
- Create and adhere to a budget
- Understand relevant local and state laws
- Follow tax laws and regulations
It’s also important to consider safety issues. Will you and your customers be and feel safe at this location? If you’re also planning to have employees, will they be and feel safe when they’re alone in the building? What about when they are walking to-and-from their car or other vehicle?
Another important consideration is your brand and/or company image. Is it in keeping with the location you’re considering? Are there other similar businesses in the vicinity? Will your business be unique to this location?
In addition to the above, you may also be interested to know that there may be additional costs associated with renting commercial real estate, including retail space. These costs may include maintenance fees as well as common area upkeep, especially when you conduct business within a shared facility.
In addition to being responsible for interior renovations and decor, you may also need to make provisions for updating and maintaining your IT system. Other costs tend to include advertising and marketing, including signage.
Since commercial leases do vary, you may also be responsible for maintenance, including repairs, for your space’s plumbing, heating, and air conditioning systems. Before you sign your lease, be sure to read everything carefully. If you have any questions or need clarification, you can ask your property manager or the owner to explain in further detail. In some cases, you may be able to negotiate some of the conditions of your lease.
Will you be open to the public? Do you anticipate having over 15 employees? Either way, when you choose to move into commercial space for rent, you need to ensure that your business location complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Whether you have small retail space for rent or large retail space for rent, you need to adhere to the ADA’s regulations. This also applies when you have commercial space for lease. Basically, this means that you need to make your business easily accessible for disabled persons.
After you sign the lease for your small retail space for rent, you will be able to address all of the other items on your list. When you open a new business, it can be a bit overwhelming; however, it’s an exciting time for small business owners.