Are you searching for an employment opportunity? Were you aware that recruiting agencies have a variety of employment opportunities available? If you’ve just graduated from college, are new to an area, or planning to relocate in the near future, contacting a local job agency makes sense.
Have you ever worked for a staffing company? You may be interested to know that during an average week, there are more than 3 million individuals working as temporary or contract employees in the United States. If you’re building your resume or are not sure what type of business would benefit from your skill set, a job placement agency can assist you with becoming better informed and prepared.
When seeking a temporary or contract position, chances are that when you find the right company, you will want to remain there for several years or longer. Since employee retention is an issue with many companies, it’s important to consider what type of work culture appeals to you. Were you aware, for example, that 22% of new employees leave within the first 45 days of being hired for a full-time position? While their reasons for dong so will vary, you want to do your best to find a position that’s a good fit for you as well as the company.
Would you like to work for a company that has an employee on-boarding program? What about an employee recognition program? Is it also important for you to work for a gender and/or ethnically-diverse company? It makes sense to ask yourself these and other questions prior to meeting with a recruiting agency. Even though you may not anticipate all of the questions a staffing agency will ask, these may be on their list.
Before scheduling an appointment with a recruiting agency, it’s important to review your resume and make any necessary adjustments. You may also want to spend some time with your social media profiles to determine if they need updating as well. Since approximately 93% of recruiters will look at your social media profiles prior to considering you for an employment opportunity, you want to ensure that these profiles positively reflect your skill sets and character.