To say that going to college is expensive is truly an understatement. The cost of attending college has skyrocketed by nearly quadrupling over the course of the last four decades. Burgeoning student loan debt has become a national financial crisis in the United State, and has lead to the lowest home ownership rates in nearly 7 years.
On average, students graduating with four-year bachelor’s degree carry roughly $30,000 worth of student loan debt on average. However, this does not include additional credit card debt, which can be upwards of $10,000 or more. Those who choose to purse advanced degrees such as a master’s or doctorate degree can graduated with student loan in the six figures.
To add to the mix, millennials are graduating into one of the most competitive job markets ever. While the job market has shown promising signs of recovering following the Great Recession, many are still wary of becoming too optimistic due to the lack of high-paying jobs. In fact, many millennials are severely underpaid and are forced to take low-paying jobs outside of their field of study in order to make ends meet.
However, there are several viable options to attending college that can still provide the tools, resources, education and experience required to have a successful career. Trade schools and programs are becoming viable — and more affordable options — to enrolling in college. Many high school students leery of accruing crushing student loan debt and even millennials who are seeking to change career fields, are enrolling in trade programs in order to learn a trade that will provide a stable, successful career.
The fields of CNC machining and milling are, and have always been, a vital part of the economy. As such, jobs in these industries are not only in high demand, but are also high paying. A student graduating from a trade school can earn the same, if not more, than a college graduate.
While in trade school, students learn how to use the best precision cutting tools such as threaded shank cutting tools, aluminum cutters, and mill cutting tools such as mill cutting saws. The best precision cutting tools are used to create a variety of everyday objects, ranging from bicycle helmets to metal water bottles to cookie cutters.
Unlike many industries where manpower is being replaced by technology, the fields of CNC and machining provide job stability in addition to the opportunity for substantial career growth.