A business’ identity is crucial to maintaining sales, attracting new customers, and increasing their marketing profile. The truth of the matter is, 35% of real estate customers wouldn’t even know where your business is without a sign. The average person will see your sign about twice per day, which is up to 60 times a year. Redesigning a business sign costs just $0.02 per thousand views, making it one of your most effective marketing tools. Sign cost varies based on size material, color, and content; they can range from $8 for a small sign to nearly $100 for larger signs. If you want to update your company’s image, consider investing in new commercial real estate signs.
Outdoor Signs
Small businesses have their work cut out for them in a marketing world overrun by aggressive monopolies with sky-high budgets. Standing out with creative and thoughtful advertising in high-traffic areas is key to your business’ success. Since 85% of your customers live within a five mile radius of your business, consider reaching out to your local customers to attract more of their business. Over a third of consumers report looking at an outdoor advertisement nearly every time they pass it. Outdoor business signs capture the attention of customers, just make sure it is on your business and not the competition.
Digital Signs
LED message centers are able to advertise to customers in an interactive way that captures the attention of 72% of customers. By using digital real estate signs in front of their businesses, companies can generate an average of 30% more sales over traditional signage. Many customers find digital signage to be more unique and entertaining that other forms of advertising which may be considered annoying by some. The advertising world is crowded, so make sure the spotlight falls on your business with unique and innovative sign solutions.