Month: January 2015

  • Simple Steps to Avoid Getting Hurt on the Job

    Simple Steps to Avoid Getting Hurt on the Job

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says that at least 1,000 workers suffer from an injury at work each year. OSHA was formed in 1970 to reduce job-related injuries and deaths. The construction industry is notorious for workplace hazards and four leading causes of workplace injuries have been identified which include electrocution, falls, being…

  • Internet Marketing Spoiled My Christmas Gift!

    Internet Marketing Spoiled My Christmas Gift!

    Internet marketing continues to flourish and new ways of targeting your individual tastes seem to manifest each week. Tailoring ads to a niche market by incorporating your searched on sites like eBay and Amazon are one thing, and while that made some of us uncomfortable, we’re getting used to it. But during the just-passed holiday…