Month: April 2014

  • The Benefits of Using Cooling Towers

    The Benefits of Using Cooling Towers

    Did you know that cooling towers have been used since the 19th century? Cooling towers are tall, cylindrical, open-topped structures, and they are commonly used to cool water and condense steam. As a result, there are several benefits of utilizing cooling tower systems. 1. Make buildings safer. Cooling towers are commonly used because they help…

  • Why Should Your Company Use a Key Box?

    Why Should Your Company Use a Key Box?

    If your employees need to use multiple keys around the property, then chances are you’d benefit from combination lock boxes, also known as key boxes. These are small, metal, security cabinets that can be used to organize and store dozens of keys so that each employee doesn’t need to have his or her own set,…

  • Too Much Stuff in Your Home? Rent a Secure Storage Facility for Extra Space

    Too Much Stuff in Your Home? Rent a Secure Storage Facility for Extra Space

    Many Americans simply don’t have enough storage space in their homes; it’s an epidemic. As of the end of 2011, there was a total of 2.3 billion square feet of storage unit rentals available in the United States. That adds up to roughly 78 square miles or an area that is greater than three times…

  • Two Ways to Prepare for a Mortgage Refinance

    Two Ways to Prepare for a Mortgage Refinance

    Did you know that refinancing your mortgage will help you build equity more quickly based on the refinancing interest rate? Obtaining the best mortgage refinance rate will cause your monthly loan payment to drop, but in order to experience the advantages of refinancing your home loan, you must prepare for it properly. There are two…

  • The Benefits of Air Freight Shipping

    The Benefits of Air Freight Shipping

    Did you know that point-to-point transportation, which is a way to travel directly to a specific location, decreases travel time? Since point-to-point transportation is a fast and efficient way to travel, it is a practical strategy used by air freight services. There are several benefits of air freight tracking, which is why it is commonly…

  • What Goes Into the Powdered Metal Process

    What Goes Into the Powdered Metal Process

    Everywhere you look, people are trying to reuse materials. Powdered metals are a prime example of this. Metals that are melted down have a wide variety of uses and can help reduce life cycle costs and increase design flexibility. For more information on the powdered metal process consult with a parts manufacturer. The powder metal…

  • How Can You Better Incentivize Your Sales Team? Several Tips

    How Can You Better Incentivize Your Sales Team? Several Tips

    Why is it important to incentivize and reward your sales team for the numbers they pull through on? The benefit is two-fold. First, this helps to increase the number of sales your company pulls in. Second, it helps keep the best sales people around, rather than searching for another company that will better fit their…