Donations can be given to charities in hundreds of different ways, and there are many non-profit organizations that are willing to take used clothing donations. Some of these donations are turned into cash to be used to provide healthcare and other important services to those who cannot afford the high cost of these benefits. These donations are also used to help provide education, school supplies, and support for families in need, among many other services. Other clothing goes through a process of recycling and will be worn by others secondhand or turned into new clothing.
Recycling isn’t just for plastic bottles and milk jugs…
Donating clothing to charity enables the giver to contribute not only into the lives of others, but also to be able to become a part of the recycling process. So much clothing ends up in landfills each year that would be much more useful as donations to charitable organizations.
A high percentage of people donating clothing to charity only do so during the holiday time. However, the truth is that the need exists all year through. Before throwing away clothes that are not wanted anymore, a used appliance, or other household items, consideration should be given to the value these items could still have in the life of someone who may not be able to afford them on their own.
A very easy way to give is by offering clothing donations to charity. Donating clothing to charity is of great value to those in need, and is also an excellent teaching tool for youngsters. Children who see the adults within their sphere of influence giving charitable clothing donations will be likely to follow that example as they grow.
More people actually throw more clothing away each year than they donate.
How many can empty their closets and find that the clothing they don’t wear anymore outnumbers that which they do wear? In every community there is a charitable organization that would be more than willing to take that unwanted clothing and repurpose it for families that need it, military veterans, the homeless, schoolchildren, and so many other deserving Americans.
There are even those organizations that will provide free pickup. There is no excuse not to give anymore! Even better, if you give to groups that have been labeled tax exempt by the Internal Revenue Service, the donation will be tax deductible in the year it was given.
Charitable clothing donations are distributed to people of all ages in every town and every city. For every item of clothing given, there will be someone who will receive the benefit. Because of your actions, someone will have a decent outfit to wear while out looking for work. It will give a little girl or a little boy a nice pair of jeans or shoes to wear on their first day of school. It will provide warm coats for a family during the coldest months of the year.
Too many people think that they can only support charities with cash or checks. In reality, so many common household items can be donated to nonprofits that work with underserved populations in need of clothes on their back. So before you throw a perfectly good dress, suit jacket, or microwave into the garbage bin, think about this:
No matter what it is, a piece of clothing or a household item, it can almost always be recycled. Recycling clothing provides a new lease on life, not just for the item given, but also for the recipient.