This may surprise you, but quite a bit of thought goes into medical packaging these days. From track and trace serialization to plastic blister packaging there are tons of ways that pharmaceutical packaging companies are considering your best interest. Here’s just a bit more information on some of the most popular ways of packaging medicines today:
1. Blister Packaging – Blister packaging is one of the most often types of pharmaceutical packaging and typically includes peelable lamination for easy opening. You’ve probably seen a blister package that folds which is referred to as a “clamshell”. Not only is blister packaging used to make things easy on consumers, but it is also a more efficient process for packaging companies. By using high speed blister packaging, manufacturers can package a large amount of product in a small amount of time.
2. Track and Trace Serialization – Another feature of current pharma packaging is track and trace serialization. In many countries serializing medications has become a requirement, and estimations say that by 2018 it could be required worldwide. It is primarily used to protect patient safety and ensure the integrity of the medicine itself. If your company ships pharmaceutical products and you aren’t sure of the track and trace serialization requirements in your area you may want to get in touch with an expert soon.
3. Cartoning and Bottling – These methods may soon be known as the old way of packaging medicines, but as of today they still have a decent reputation. Cartoning is a popular because it includes accurately labeled vials and product instructions. Bottles, on the other hand, are popular because they vary in the types of cap options they offer such as: child safe, snap off, and twist off.
Whether you are a curious consumer who wants to understand why certain pharma products are packaged they way they are, or a business owner of a major pharma production company this is all good information to have. Which packaging option is right for you? Is it blister packaging, track and trace serialization, or cartoning/bottling? Ask your local experts about it today! You’ll be glad you did!