If you’ve just started a business, chances are that you in holding up the shop in a temporary office space. That’s not how to you want to be. You need somewhere permanent; somewhere to call home. Having office suites to call your own is important. When your in temporary office space, it can be disorganized, hectic and chaotic; not exactly how you want your business run. When you are looking for office space solutions, then there a few things you want to keep in mind:
A lot of space will lease out fully furnished offices. There are pros and cons to this. It can be a great thing because you don’t have to shell out for desks, chairs and sometimes even electronic equipment like computers, printers, scanners, shredders, etc. but it’s also a lot more stress because if you break anything, you’ll have to either get it fixed or replaced out of pocket. Sometimes it’s better just to have all of your own things so that you know where they have been, where they are going and how you should treat them. Plus, if you ever move then everything will go with you. Even if you are in temporary office space right now, you should be building up your inventory of equipment, furniture, decorations and any other supplies that you might need to get the job done properly. Keep your employees in mind as well and consider ergonomics and other things that will make their lives easier and the job more enjoyable.
It’s really important to make sure that you get space in an area that will be conducive to your company. This is more than just the area code but you’ll want to consider the surrounding stores. You don’t want to open up shop next to a business that will detract from yours or cause competition. For example, if you are opening up a rehab center, being next to a bar or liquor store is not a good idea. However, opening up near a pharmacy or hospital might be in your best interests. Basically, you want your business to mesh well with the surrounding companies. You should all be able to help each other and refer clients and build one another up instead of being in constant competition.
Of course, price is your number one consideration. Before you even start looking for permanent office space, you should know how much you can afford. Staying in temporary office space can give you an idea of what you will need and how much you are willing to pay for it. Set a budget and only look at places that are within your affordable range. Keep in mind that you may be responsible for paying the utilities and fees as well as business licenses and other contractual agreements.
The size of the space right now is important but it’s also crucial to make sue that you have room to grow if that is your vision. Growth potential is huge in business and the office space will determine if that can happen or not. If you start off with a small place and then decide that you want to grow, you’ll have to move all over again and that can hurt your clientele base. Statistics show that every time you move you only keep 20 percent of your customers. So, if you are planning to expand, your best bet is to stay in one place as long as possible.
The type of office that you have is also a pretty big deal. You have to make sure that the style of the office, the way it is laid out and how it is decorated is important to what you are selling. Your decor and office style should reflect your product. Even if you don’t regularly have customers coming through the office space, your employees still need that encouragement and morale in order to be able to put their best foot forward in their relative jobs and duties.
All of these play a big part in the type of office that you have. However, most importantly, you want to make sure that your office is peaceful and a great environment for everyone to work in.