Schools, churches, businesses, and even public properties all have one thing in common: they are all likely to have some kind of event for their local communities. From church rummage sales to school athletic games, there’s always something going on that’s open to the public or made for students, congregations, or other specific groups. While these events are often fun for everyone involved, they take a lot of work to pull off, and the clean up afterward isn’t always easy.
Thankfully, there are plenty of resources that property owners can use to make sure that their event clean up is a breeze. Here are three such ideas that can help make your trash clean up simple:
- Enlist volunteers. Schools and churches, especially, tend to rely on volunteers for a number of tasks. If you’ve had volunteers or staff members manning the event, then you may be able to use the same ones to handle clean up, too. Just make sure that everyone has plenty of garbage bags and cleaning solutions to get the job done.
- Call in professional cleaners. If the scope of the event was larger than your volunteers can handle, or if your business needs to get back in tip-top shape, then hiring professional cleaners may be necessary. A professional cleaning company can handle the indoor tasks, like washing floors or disinfecting tables.
- Hire a street sweeping service. If the event was outdoors, you may have a lot more to do than sweeping the floors. Parking lot cleaning services use sweeper trucks to vacuum up large debris, so you don’t have to worry about busting out the shop brooms. One thing that sweeper trucks do that many people don’t know about, though, is that they can also scrub pavement to remove bacteria and microbes, as well.
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