In spite of the fact that there are over 22 million sales professionals in North America, it can be incredibly hard to find a good one to hire for your company. Even if you have been in a management position for a long time, you might not be properly qualified for hiring a sales rep that will be a great fit for your company. Just because someone is looking into careers in sales, does not mean that they are actually prepared for a job in sales. If you are a sales recruiting manager sifting through applications of people looking into a sales career path, then here are the top five things that you should be looking for.
1. Did you know that sales team turnover is over 40 percent per year? One of the most important aspects of hiring a sales rep, is to make sure that you are hiring is someone who will stick around and preform for the long haul. If you are worried about being able to find the best people, or you need to hire temp staffing for the in between times, then you might want to look into employing temporary staffing firms to help you find the best people. Along with quality staffing solutions, temporary staffing agencies also offer compliance assistance. When you’re hiring a temp, they handle all of their legal responsibilities, and advise you of yours.
2. In order to be good sales representatives, your recruits have to have good research skills, whether they are temporary staffing or permanent. They need to be able to find out about their prospects, know the needs of the business, and understand exactly what it will take to get the job done.
3. In sales, experience is not always the most important thing to look at in a candidate. This is most important if you have existing sales reps who can assist in the training and mentoring of new recruits. There are certain intangible qualities that you want to look for and give preference to.
4. There are certain intangible qualities that help make a salesperson successful. These include, but are no means limited to charisma, adaptability, confidence, and enthusiasm. Some of these qualities can be difficult to find if you do not have a lot of experience hiring a sales rep. In cases like this, you might want to hire sales and marketing headhunters instead. They will be able to help you find the best people for the job, and they also often offer additional training for the great candidates that they find.
5. Lastly, one of the biggest indicators of whether a candidate will make a good salesperson is their overall attitude and countenance. A warm genuine smile and firm handshake can go a long way during a sales call. This is particularly important since 80 percent of non routine sales occur only after at least five follow ups. Finding people who are patient and friendly at the same time is key to the success of your company.