How LED Lights Can Lead More Customers To Your Business

The average consumer is exposed to 3,000 ads and promotional massages every single day and business will do whatever they can to get a customer’s attention. Everywhere there are signs flashing, flickering and proclaiming, “Buy This,” “Try That” or “Come Check This Out!”

As the Five Man Electrical Band famously sang, “Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind.” There’s no denying signs are effective in getting peoples attention. This is especially important when considering 85 percent of a business’ customers live and work within a five-mile radius of that business.

  • Studies show that adding or changing a sign can directly improve sales revenue. In fact, replacing a store font wall sign with a larger sign increases revenue by 7.7 percent.
  • 35 percent of people would have never noticed a business if not for a sign.
  • 71 percent of people often look at the messages on roadside billboards (both traditional and digital).
  • More than a third of people report looking at an outdoor ad each time or most of time they pass one.
  • 32 percent of poll respondents visited a retailer they saw on a billboard later that week.
  • 58 percent of poll respondents learned about a restaurant they later visited from a billboard they saw while in their car.
  • 58 percent of respondents also learned about an event they were interested in attending from a billboard.

Whatever a company’s message is, signage definitely helps and LED signs can help even more. In 2019, LEDs are estimated to achieve a 53 percent penetration of the global lighting market.

From TVs to display signs to street lamps to marquee signs for schools, LED lighting is everywhere. Where LED lighting was once considered a trend, it is now fast become the lighting standard in many industries. At least 95 percent of an LED is recyclable and the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the adoption of LEDs in residential and commercial lighting will save approximately $265 billion over the next 20 years.

When using LED lights, the benefits are numerous:

  • LED lights are long lasting. A typical LED bulb has approximately 50,000 hours of life and some last longer than that. That makes it easy to forget about LED bulbs after you install them. Rather than changing regular light bulbs every few months, you can install LED bulbs and forgot any past lighting issues.
  • LED lights save energy. If the United States replaced 50 percent of its incandescent holiday lights, the energy savings would be around $17.2 billion. In addition, residential LEDs use approximately 75 percent less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent lights.
  • The luminous efficacy of LED lights is better than other forms of light. An incandescent lamp only converts about nine or 10 percent of the energy fed into it into light. LEDs convert nearly 100 percent of energy consumed into light.
  • LED lights are durable. LED bulbs are not fragile or made of glass. This makes for easier installation.
  • LED lights emit low heat. The typical incandescent bulb converts 90 percent of energy to heat with an emission of 85 btu/hour. An LED bulb converts 80 percent of energy to light rather than heat and emits 3.4 btu/hour.
  • LED lights are eco-friendly. If every American exchanged one incandescent light bulb with an Energy Star LED, it would equate to removing the emissions for more than 640,000 cars.

When it comes to marquee signs for schools, LED lights can help. Marquee signs are a great way for schools to get out important announcements for things like parent-teacher conferences, important calendar dates and school breaks. Using LED marquee signs for schools ensures that parents and students will be able to see the important messages any time of day, rain or shine. Marquee signs for schools can also be great platforms for showing school spirit for special events such as homecoming or before big sporting events.

School administrators and maintenance staff can take comfort in the fact that LEDs are environmentally safe, long lasting and are easily controlled to be as dim or as bright as needed. Marquee signs for schools are a great use of LED lights for especially outdoor LED signs, but the same principles apply to other places in a school where LED lights may be used.

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