Groundwater Depletion A Global Concern

Environmental remediation equipment

It’s an unfortunate fact that even though a mere 3% of the planet’s water is fresh, just 1% is actually drinkable. While there are a variety of reasons for this, hazardous waste is at the top of the list.

Causes of Freshwater Contamination

There are roughly 16,000 chemical spills that occur every year. These result when materials are being transferred by trucks, trains, and storage tanks. While some of these spillages may happen due to road accidents, others may result from negligence and/or a lack of sufficient training in equipment handling and other necessary protocols.

In addition to accidents where spillage occurs, industrial waste is intentionally dumped into bodies of water throughout the world. Recent data shows that this occurs with 70% of the planet’s industrial waste. As a result of these actions, more and more of the Earth’s usable water supply is being polluted. Even when a specific country and/or industry claims to acknowledge and adhere to specific laws and regulations, this is obviously not always the case.

There are a number of hazardous waste sites across the globe, including the United States. More than 80% of the sites in the United States, however, are responsible for creating serious groundwater pollution. Since 95% of this country’s drinking water comes from groundwater, this is a serious situation that necessitates groundwater remediation services.

Environmental Remediation Services for Groundwater and Other Water Pollution

There are, of course, different environmental remediation services available to address these and other related issues. In addition to groundwater monitoring and remediation services, other essential measures can be taken. If a concerted effort were made, there would be more potable drinking water.

It’s important to note that approximately 85% to 95% of pollutants can be removed from wastewater through primary and secondary waste treatments. This measure can be taken prior to releasing the disinfected wastewater into local waterways. While this can make a significant difference, it’s clear that additional measures need to be taken, such as more stringent guidelines and repercussions for contaminating ground and other bodies of water.

A professional environmental remediation contractor will be able to assess the situation in order to determine the best course of action. Since there are different types of contaminants that contribute to groundwater pollution, it’s important to utilize the most effective groundwater remediation technologies for each situation.

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