One of the biggest challenges for any company is finding reliable, effective salespeople who will actually stick around. As Entrepreneur writes, turnover rates among sales teams are incredibly high. For every sales member that decides your business isn’t for them, you could spend as much as 200% of their salary in hopes of replacing and training someone new. Of course, unless you know what to look for, there’s no real guarantee that the next person you hire isn’t just going to repeat the cycle.
As any recruiter specializing in filling sales training jobs can tell you, finding a great salesperson isn’t like finding any other reliable employee. There are certain things you need to do to find a new team member who will only gain your business money.
Four Tips for Recruiting Reliable Salespeople
- Tap Your Best Team Members for Recommendations
- Expand Your Candidate Pool
- Look for a Variety of Skills
- Hire a Sales Consulting Firm
As About.com suggests, one of the best ways to find suitable candidates for your sales representative and sales consulting jobs is by asking the best members of your current team if they know anyone who will fit the bill. Your reliable salespeople want to prove their value to you, and they won’t recommend anyone who could hurt their own reputation. In short, they will only recommend the very best potential employees.
Too many businesses, according to The Houston Chronicle, like to find one great candidate and focus all of their recruiting efforts on that one shot. However, what happens when that lead doesn’t pan out? Expand your candidate pool, via social media, traditional print advertising, or word of mouth, to give yourself the best possible shot at finding someone worthwhile.
There are some definite skills all members of your sales team need to have; namely, they need to have people skills, basic math skills, and the work ethic to motivate themselves to success. As CareerBuilder.com points out, you should make extra effort to find out what additional talents a candidate can bring to your team. Did they major in History? You’re likely to get a new employee who knows how to research and dig up their own leads. Look for something out of the ordinary to find someone great.
For many businesses, finding great salespeople simply takes too much time, time that they don’t have. That’s why an increasing number of companies are turning to sales recruiters. Professional sales recruiters with sales consulting firms have the skills, knowledge, and time your business sorely lacks, meaning they can help you find the best salespeople, without a fuss.
Do you work as a sales recruiter? What recruiting methods have you found effective for building a more effective, reliable team? Let us know in the comments below. See this link for more: www.peopleaxiom.com