The construction industry can offer you a long and stable career. Unfortunately, there are plenty of pitfalls on the job that can cut your dreams of financial stability short. Check out construction safety courses, including crane safety training, and work safe on the job site every day.
The four leading causes for construction related deaths include falls, electrocution, being struck by an object, and getting caught in between two objects. There are easy ways to ensure you do not have problems on the job site. The Occupational Saftey and Health Act of 1970 helps enforce safety regulations on the job. OSHA does regular safety inspections, and creates safety regulations for several kinds of occupations. Whether it is purchasing safety equipment or taking safety courses it can be easy for you to be safe on the job site.
The construction industry allows you to work outside, on your feet everyday. The best construction workers know the benefits of the job, including a competitive paycheck. The construction industry has risks not associated with other jobs. In 2001, there were 481,400 non-fatal injuries related to construction jobs. In 2009, construction jobs caused more fatal injuries than any other industry. Hard hats and steel toe boots are necessary for safety during any construction job.
Fall safety courses can train construction workers on how to avoid dangerous situations that could lead to fatal injury. Construction companies are advised by OSHA to train their employees in slip, trip, and fall safety. Fall protection training is vital for workers using a variety of equipment, including cranes. The right fall protection training can mean taking a course, or wearing a safe, durable vest. Crane safety training will help you figure out which lifting gear and equipment is safe and durable to hold your work loads.
Construction safety courses, including crane safety training, can protect you and keep your career on track. Crane safety training can teach you about equipment and the right clothing to ensure your needs. Check out construction safety courses and be safe on the job site, every day.
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