Category: Northern virginia cleaning services

  • How Parking Lot Sweeping Businesses Help Small Businesses Stand Out

    How Parking Lot Sweeping Businesses Help Small Businesses Stand Out

    Appearance and presentation are two business elements that play a role in determining the likelihood of a customer returning. Good customer service cannot compensate for a dirty or cluttered workplace — this includes parking lots too. Hiring a parking lot sweeping business not only keeps the lot looking clean, it may actually protect customers. Here…

  • Three Problems You Didn’t Know Dirty Streets Could Cause

    Three Problems You Didn’t Know Dirty Streets Could Cause

    It’s one of those things that everyone takes for granted until it’s gone. Without clean streets, people would suddenly find themselves facing a number of unexpected problems, which, if left alone, would start to cause serious issues. Here are just a few. Clogged Gutters. As their name implies, street sweeping services keep roads clean. Their…