In Canada, most health insurance is covered by the government and public funds; this is especially true for the elderly and indigent. However, did you also know that small business health benefits comprise the rest of healthcare in Canada? These benefits cover treatments that need to be paid for out of pocket, such as specialist visits or procedures not deemed medically necessary. For the most part, care is administered by private healthcare providers.
Up to 98% of businesses in Canada are small businesses with between two and 100 employees. As a result, employers are frequently concerned with the costs and care that their employees receive. Most are concerned with the level of care; cost per employee, however, is a major deciding factor for as many as 72% of small business owners.
Whether you’re a small business employer or employee, though, here is what you should know about Canada’s small business health benefits and what exactly they cover:
Small Business Health Insurance Plans
Health insurance for small business owners is typically in the form of group benefits. Group benefits deliver healthcare to the entire group of employees at a specific rate. This term also implies that employers have their choice in what they will and won’t cover. Many Canadians rely on this type of insurance.
Health Spending Accounts
Health spending accounts are similar to a savings account that’s used solely for out-of-pocket healthcare costs. These accounts allow employees to place 100% pre-taxed dollars into a savings account to use on any and all out-of-pocket costs for healthcare. Many times, visiting a specialist will require this type of account.
Specialist Visits
From mental health spending to covering lap band surgery costs, specialists may require different plans in order for you to see them. Because doctor and hospital visits are generally covered under public health funds, seeing another type of physician or medical personnel might not be. Before seeing a specialist, make sure that you know which kind of coverage you need or what fees you may incur for your visit.
Have more questions about small business health benefits in Canada? Feel free to leave a comment below, and ask your employer what is and isn’t covered under their plan.