A distribution substation is a serious place. Electrical switchboards should only be operated by certified professionals. If you do not know much about a non segregated phase bus, a Siemens bus plug or a medium voltage switchgear, is a good idea for you to stay well away from a substation responsible for electrical distribution. Electrical distribution centers are often the hub responsible for providing electricity to an area. There are some small towns that are able to receive electricity without their own substation. However, this puts even more stress on the manager of a substation in a nearby larger town or city.
If you operate a substation, no matter how large it is or how much electricity it provides, be sure to put up signage that wards off people that are not certified to be there. Certified personnel should also be trained to make sure that there are no unauthorized guests wandering around the substation area. Once you have an effective plan for the management of your substation in place, most of your responsibilities will be in ensuring the smooth operation of that station.
Faulty equipment might be an issue at your station. If you require a new medium voltage switchgear, for example, do some careful shopping on the web. You may be able to find a supplier of electric materials that will help you save a lot of money on the cost of a replacement medium voltage switchgear when you shop on the web.