Pets are so popular in the United States that 63% of all households own one. And just how doctors are important for humans, veterinarians are crucial for the well-being of your favorite fury friends. Since they cannot speak, it is usually up to the vet’s office to send out reminder cards to the pet owners. While this is the best way to bring business back into your office, many reminders are easily forgotten! So, follow these tips for contacting clients and the dogs and cats will come running in!
Consumers love their mail. Over 70% of Americans say mail has a more personal touch than the internet, and with 98% of people bringing in their mail everyday it is no secret that mailing veterinary reminder postcards is a great idea. Follow these steps to make the communication between you and your client work best for everyone involved.
1. First off, if they are a new patient send them veterinary welcome cards as soon as they make their first appointment. The message doesn’t have to be long, it can be a short and sweet message welcoming them to your practice.
2. Send reminder postcards. First send the appointment reminder about a month before the issue needs to get resolved, for example a month before the pet’s rabies vaccine is due. If the client does not respond, send another card two weeks later. Clients have good intentions with their pets, but sometimes they just need an extra push!
3. Don’t be afraid to call them if the veterinary reminder cards do not work. This is usually a convenience for the client, as they probably had been meaning to call but could not find time. If they don’t answer, just leave a short but specific message for them as to why it is important they call you back.
Now, once your clients walk through the door keep turning heads and use personalized prescription pads and bags. And if the animal passes, make sure to send out personalized sympathy cards and you can include plantable memorial cards as well to let them know you are thinking of them.
With these tips in mind, your customers will be rushing to make an appointment!