If you are trying to get a career in sales or various types of sales jobs, you have to nail that interview. That is your interviewer’s first introduction to your ability to sell. You have to sell yourself to the interviewer and make them understand why they want- why they need you. Companies often hire outside agencies and recruitment firms to do their hiring for them. For example, if you are going for an IT sales job, you will probably first meet with IT sales recruitment agencies before ever seeing your potential supervisor or boss. However, keep in mind that these IT sales recruitment agencies are just as important as meeting the boss. In fact they may be even more important because they decide on the short list. If you aren’t on the IT sales recruitment agencies short list, then the boss will never even know you exist. Here are a few tips to prepare you for a sales interview.
- Be Familiar with the Company
This is important to IT sales recruitment agencies. If you are really and truly interested in a position, you will find out everything you can know about it. You should know what kind of position you are applying for, what the company sells and stands for, what the company’s mission statement is, how many employees work for the company, where the company is headed and you should also have positive opinions on the matter. If it’s on the company website, you should have it memorized. While you don’t want to appear unteachable and as a know it all, it’s important for you to have done your own research and know exactly what you are getting into before ever stepping foot into an interview. A good salesperson has an a well researched and knowledgeable answer for everything and if they don’t, they should be willing to find out the answer as quickly as possible. Your interview should be no different. - Be Confident in Yourself
Sales people have to be outgoing and fairly extrovert. When you are in your interview, it’s your chance to show your interviewer that you are not afraid of talking to people. You cannot be timid and shy otherwise your interviewer will know immediately that you will not be able to convince anyone of anything much less sell their product or service. Don’t doubt yourself or your abilities. Sell yourself to yourself before the interview by knowing your abilities and that this company is in desperate need of you. You’ll never convince anyone of anything unless you believe it yourself. - Be Organized and Prepared
This is physically and mentally. Anything that you bring to the interview should be very well organized and color coded or whatever system that you use. Your clothes should be appropriate and put together. Your hair should be groomed and styled. It’s important to look prepared. You should also have a list of questions put together about the company or the position that you were not able to find on the Internet, their websites, through phone calls or other research. You should also already know what they are looking for in the position. - Be Charismatic and Likable
There is something about charismatic people that you just can’t help but like. They are usually the type of people that get along with everyone. That is what you want to portray at your interview. You need to show that you are going to be the popular kid and every one is going to want to work with you but at the same time, you are not going to be distracted and will be able to pull everyone up to your level rather than going down to yours. On the other side, you also need to show that even if you are likable, you are going to be able to function alone and work by yourself and still put out good work.
If you follow these tips you will have a much better chance at getting that sales job that you want. Sales is a competitive field but if you know what you are doing then it can be a very rewarding job with a lot of perks and benefits that will set up a great future for yourself.