Today’s economy can sometimes be a challenge. One week you can be a company in need of an entire office staff to help you process a couple of huge orders from unexpected clients. The next month you may find your elf struggling to find enough work to keep the small numbers of key staff members busy. The best and most profitable businesses have found that working with temp agencies is the secret to these staffing challenges.
Non profit employment agencies are especially helpful to the social good business sector. It is difficult to be a successful non profit if you are chewing up too much money in unnecessary staff salaries. Non profit groups tend to work toward two to four large events in a year, and it is at those times when they find themselves with the greatest staffing needs.
If, for example, you women’s group hosts a large fashion show and boutique once a year to raise scholarship funds for local girls, it is likely that you can operate with a small staff much of the year. A large number of volunteers can be coordinated by your small staff to delegate much of the work you need to achieve. It is possible though that the six to eight weeks leading up to the even may require more office work. It is in a case like this when temp agencies can provide the most help. Through temp agencies you can find the qualified, trained office staff members with experience in non profit work.
A professional staffing agency can even conduct a salary survey to see what the limits are our your budget. Using this information the professional job agency can find you the best candidates for the salary you are able to offer. When the big event is over, the extra staff is no longer on your payroll and your non profit can return to your skeletal staff numbers.
There are more than 1.53 million non-profit, tax-exempt organizations in America. These include: 1,061,916 public charities, 102,055 private foundations, and 368,279 other types of nonprofit organizations. Also included in this number is the chambers of commerce, fraternal organizations and civic leagues. Of these non profits, they accounted for 9.2% of all wages and salaries paid in the United States in the year 2010.
On the donor side of the numbers, 63% of high net worth donors cite ?giving back to the community? as a chief motivation for their generosity. Your donors will be even more willing to “give back to the community” if they see that your non profit is using best practice tactics like hiring temp agency workers during your busiest times, and operating with a smaller staff much of the year.